Landing promotion.  Landing Page promotion: difficult, but not deadly.  How to correctly determine the semantic group of key phrases for landing page promotion

Landing promotion. Landing Page promotion: difficult, but not deadly. How to correctly determine the semantic group of key phrases for landing page promotion

Good day to all! Today I have prepared a very interesting material. Working on this post, I wanted to collect comprehensive information on the SEO Landing page in one place. I think I got it...

Landing page promotion is indeed a very interesting and controversial topic. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that with such a high conversion, many use it exclusively as a landing page for contextual advertising. And why? Yes, it’s just that all promotion attempts are already stopped in the bud — by the studio that developed the landing page, by the friend who took part in this, as well as by most of the information posted on this topic on the Internet. How to promote a landing page? - no way, for promotion you need a website, and a landing page for Direct and teasers! This is exactly what 97% of the people with whom I had a chance to communicate on this topic think. And after all, they are in many ways, but what a sin to hide - they are right in almost everything, if you lose sight of a few interesting features, namely: few people understand that Direct can be the most powerful SEO tool and for some reason no one tries to focus on the undeniable advantages of a landing page. And the third thing is working with keywords Yes, I have already written about this a hundred times, but with regard to landing, working with keywords takes on a new meaning - we may not be able to pull out a landing for competitive queries (although we can and at the end of this article you will learn how ), but I assure you, dear friends - every niche has some very sweet NK queries. And it is not necessary to spend money on Mutagen! Just read the article to the end.

Before proceeding to the main story, I would like to give one parting word - even if in the first paragraphs you find a scheme that is ideal for you - do not be too lazy to read to the end, as the approach to landing promotion becomes more complicated, I will tell more and more progressive approaches that can be applied from the very beginning!

[VIDEO 2017] About SEO Landing Page Promotion

The first step is to set clear goals.

First of all, we need to clearly define the objectives and opportunities of our project. Let's formulate the problem like this - get cheap traffic from organic search- this will be the most successful formulation! Do you think the task is easy? Why, then, do the majority of newly minted owners of landing pages and sites in general take on the leading queries in the subject?

We decided to sell teddy bears, so we will promote the request - “buy teddy bears” ... Not, we will not promote this request, especially if our sales tool is a landing page! Do you catch the difference?! No leading requests in the subject, you need to soberly assess your capabilities at the initial stage.

We will return to requests, but now I would like to tell you this ... We have decided on the task! And here are the ways to solve our problem at the initial stage:

1. Work out in detail the conversion of the landing page. Get the best possible response from visitors. Apply all the latest methods to increase conversion. It is the conversion that will become our main trump card when we decide to compete for requests with serious sites (not a typo - just sites). In this case, conversion is everything - it will help you stay afloat in the initial stages and break through the organics in the future. Here we do not contradict the main doctrine of search engines - the site should be for people, interesting to people, convenient and fully respond to the request. I’ll run ahead a little, but even when choosing keys, we will choose only those phrases for which our site is able not only to answer well, but to answer at least as well as the best sites in the subject, so we immediately reject requests like “product reviews”!

2. We will need Yandex and Google contextual advertising systems, ideally. In principle, one Direct will be more or less enough! And it is very important - the context must be set up very, very worthy - it is he who will help us break the dead center

3. As appetites increase, we will need developed social media accounts. At least - a high-quality account in Vkontakte. AND Attention! No bots - we need a live account that generates real traffic. In principle, bots can be caught up at the very beginning so that real people are more willing to join our group. I will not talk about creating groups in detail here - the purpose of this article is somewhat different.

4. The technical part of our landing should not just be good, it should be perfect, but we will talk about this in more detail

5. The semantics of promoted queries should be quite voluminous! Few people know, but each specific phrase is likely to be promoted on this site and it is not always possible to catch it by eye. You just need to understand that only a third of the total number of equally competitive requests can be promoted on an average site under average conditions. Everything is rough, but still makes it clear the picture of what is happening. Of course, it often happens that 100% of requests can be pulled to the TOP, but this is rather a special case, especially if we are talking about a young project! Why is that? Yandex itself does not know how complicated its Matrixnet has become.

If you have learned the information a few centimeters higher, we can safely move on to the main story!

We will work on our advantages

When a small business enters the market, the only chance for it to survive is to focus on its merits (unless, of course, this business offers a product / service that is unique in this region). So in our case - the whole emphasis is on the merits. What advantages can we have in comparison with large sites in organic issuance? Well, the first and most obvious one is conversion, in other words, we can, must and will respond to the requests put to us better than the surrounding sites. Sites never monitor their traffic - if we look at the statistics of requests - 99% of all online stores there have just mountains of junk traffic that not only do not bring money to the site, but also pull it to the bottom! We shouldn't have that kind of traffic. In practice, this means that in the same Direct we will not run very cheap requests that give a bunch of bounces. We only need high-quality traffic that will settle on the landing page and turn into money, even if, at the initial stages, clicks on such requests will cost a lot. In any case, by working correctly with an ad, we can always get a good CTR, and with it a cheap click.

Our second advantage will be mobility in all senses of the word. On the one hand, the site must be fully displayed correctly on mobile devices (have an adaptive layout), and on the other hand, we can easily and easily implement the most advanced layout technologies on the landing page, which not every online store can afford due to the complexity of architectural transformations.

And our last plus (it should be taken into account at the stage of LP development) is unsurpassed speed. After all, we simply will not have an overloaded with garbage, always lagging database, which is an integral part of almost all modern sites. Personally, I recommend not using CMS at all - with the right level of customization, we can easily get the fastest site in the niche, but this also imposes certain restrictions - no complex graphics ... Fortunately, modern HTML and CSS tools allow you to work wonders even without using images.

So, 3 whales that will keep the SEO of the landing on this:

1. conversion

2. mobility


And to these 3 great whales it is worth adding an elephant - correct semantics, but for now a few words about technical optimization.

Brilliant technical optimization

The first thing to start with is under search engines. I think everyone understands that our landing page simply by definition does not have such problems as duplicate pages, broken links, and so on.

But despite this, our website must fully comply with the requirements of search engines:

1. robots must be configured, in which the sitemap and main host are specified, directives for Yandex are duplicated

2. There must be an XML sitemap, although this makes little sense

3. WWW mirrors must be glued and a redirect configured

4. 404 error page must be configured

5. All seo tags must be present (title, description, keywords, h1, h2-5)

6. Favicon must be present

7. The site must have at least Yandex Metrika installed

With this, everything is extremely simple, but this is important, understand - we have a very small site, and Yandex does not treat such sites very well and for it our project is another potential doorway. The reason for this attitude to landing is extremely simple - every day millions of such one-pagers are created in order to manipulate search results, and therefore Yandex keeps its eyes open.

Modern technologies

Now this is a very important point! Our landing page must be equipped with the most modern web elements. They should include:

1. adaptive layout

It is she who will greatly reduce failures when switching from mobile devices and when viewing the site by users with a non-standard display resolution. Also, the presence of adaptability in itself gives a good bonus in the issuance of Google, which the latter officially admitted. It is likely that in Yandex, the presence of adaptive content alone gives a ranking bonus.

2. Shema layout (micro markup)

Micro-markup has been actively and for a long time used in Google search results and every day more and more actively in Yandex. The site snippet with micro-markup elements looks much more attractive, which significantly increases its CTR in the SERP, and along with it, the site's external PFs.

3. High speed of the site and content generation

Speed ​​above all

The next important step in preparing our page is display speed. Firstly, you must have fast hosting, and secondly, the site must be in the green line for both stationary and mobile devices in the Google test. Test

We select high-quality NK requests

Our site is almost ready. Now you need to choose low-competitive words. I described this process in sufficient detail.

It is worth giving some explanations - in that article I proposed a rather sophisticated way to evaluate competition, in fact, it is much easier to use the Mutagen service after collection and initial screening.

It is even easier to use the KEI formula for the Key Collector program, which gives a result almost similar to Mutagen:

(KEI_YandexMainPagesCount * 6) + (KEI_YandexTitlesCount + KEI_GoogleTitlesCount) + (KEI_YandexDocCount / 73000)

Optimization for NC

Next, we need to prepare a text for our NDT requests. Everything is extremely simple here - to get requests to the TOP, you just need to mention each of them 1 time in the text. The most important thing here is not to overspam, although in our particular case it is not so scary, because. even if we inadvertently create strong spam - higher-frequency, shorter versions of our requests will be filtered. Remember a simple rule - 1 request is mentioned 1 time, no more.

We will talk about detailed text optimization at the stage of promoting SC queries.

A landing page is built for context, so let context help SEO.

So, we are all set, but I can bet that our new project with a huge scratch will fall into the index. You can, of course, buy links, but still this is not the best option for a landing page, if there was a website, it would be another matter.

Here we need Direct. We pour Direct on the site and more and fast indexing is provided to us. At this stage, it doesn’t matter at all what requests will be visited, the main thing is that there are not many refusals for them. How much is a lot? If we average everything, then I can say that 20 percent or more is no longer the best indicator, especially since high-quality PF will become one of the main promotion tools in our case.

In addition to Direct, you can also use links, especially since Yandex has officially announced that links are working effectively again! (this is exactly the development of events I predicted when Santa Barbara began)

Analysis of the situation, adjustments, work on failures

Now it's time to take a little break. During this time, we must work out in detail the conversion on the site and Direct. The best thing to do here is to use A/B testing. Traffic from contextual advertising should hit exactly the target. If people are happy, then they will be much more willing to buy. Your goal at this stage is to start receiving stable contextual traffic that will give a minimum of bounces, ideally less than 10%.

A little more than a month will pass, and you yourself will not notice that many queries will already be in the line of sight, and it is in Yandex. Things will be a little worse on Google, but that's only because we don't have links yet.

After a while, it's worth buying some quality GGL links with the right anchors. Pieces 20-30 will be more than enough. Sapa is also very useful, but it still requires experience to work with it.

On this step, carefully check the bounces for organic traffic. Here the average for commercial queries is 18%, we should be much better if we are going to compete with sites in the SERP. Carefully study the sources of failures and work them out. Of course, you can just wind up behavioral ones, but we need the site itself to give good PF, otherwise all further work simply does not make sense.

Having done all the above - you can be sure that the snowball is running– we have traffic from Direct and organic, which not only brings customers, but also makes our site more and more interesting from the point of view of search engines every day

Let's move on to the SC - preparation

This is where the fun begins. To be honest, SC is the maximum we can jump to, because. promotion of VK on landing pages is already pure extreme and almost beyond fantasy, but we will talk about this below.

With NK requests, everything was very simple ... We specifically chose such requests that no site on the Internet could answer better than us. And the search did quite expectedly - it gave us worthy positions for these requests.

But you can't get a lot of traffic with NCs alone! Why? - everything is simple ... If it were a site - we could work with NK until old age, expanding and expanding our site indefinitely, working out hundreds and hundreds of new requests. On a landing page, this is impossible, unless, of course, after a successful experience with NK, you decide to convert the landing page into a website

The basis for the promotion of our project will be precisely the requests of medium competition or those that have a competitive value of up to 25 according to Mutagen (or according to KEY).

And the first step on the way to new heights will be painstakingly setting up Direct for the SCs we have chosen, but first things first, because you still need to select requests

The basis here will be the correct selection of these very SK

In addition to the level of competition of the request, here's what you should also pay attention to - the average number of pages of sites that are in the TOP. More precisely, not so - in the TOP there must be at least 1 site with less than 200 pages, and preferably less than 100.

If this condition is not met, promotion is still possible, but its probability becomes much lower.

Do not select too many queries. Optimal - 10 or less

Setting up Direct for requests of an average level of competition

Now we must squeeze the maximum out of the Yandex contextual advertising system. For each of the queries we choose, we need to have a perfectly tuned ad with clearly defined targeting. We will change the ad text until we get the best possible CTR. After all, it is beneficial for Yandex to show at the top a site that is clicked a lot, which means that the return to the pocket of the search engine from such a site is the highest.

Having received a good CTR and worked out in detail on the site the refusals on requests, we will get a completely natural, safe and very effective cheat of behavioral factors for the requests we have chosen, and this is already a huge step towards our goal.

Topic Coverage Width

And now it's time to use one of the secrets of modern SEO - the width of the coverage of topics. This thing allows you to pull out quite competitive requests on weak sites, with little or no use of the link and PF markups.

Yandex has conditional ideas about each topic on the Internet. This includes the query base itself (tails from HF) and similar words and search suggestions and some other sources. That is, Yandex at its level conditionally imagines what relates to a particular topic. And note - sometimes this does not quite coincide with reality, but in the vast majority of cases it still does.

And it is from here that the phrase comes to bring something new to the subject, but this is already a topic for a separate post.

We need to make a mind map for our subject. You will have to study wordstat, organic search and search suggestions for various tails from the main query. It’s worth saying right away that in this case we don’t have the slightest moral right to neglect any areas, for example, very often and in many topics we can meet requests like “... with our own hands” - we will simply have to use them.

After we imagine a topic map, it is necessary to prepare a text based on this map that will describe our topic in sufficient detail, but describe it as voluminously as possible, without missing a single branch.

Now this may seem like an unrealistic task to you, but take my word for it - copywriters have already prepared more than a dozen such texts for me, so everything is more than real.

Setting text relevance

So, we have covered the topic completely, but I’m willing to bet that on the way we got just wild text spam as a bonus, and for SC requests this is already a significant problem, but don’t despair - about half an hour of your time and text spam will be done away with once and for all

So we have rental links, perpetual links, and social signals, but that's not all. We need the most diverse link profile, and without links from forums and communities, there is no place in this business. Especially for these purposes, crowd marketing was invented, which, by the way, you can order through me.

The techniques described above will be quite enough for some requests of average competition, but not for all. Constant monitoring of positions is very important. And if, after 2-3 months from the moment you did all the manipulations described above, some positions have not gone beyond the TOP 50, they should be abandoned.

PF cheats

I will say right away that this tool very effective in Yandex and much less on Google. But it is necessary to wind up both Yandex and Google at the same time so that there are no problems with Yandex. Now carefully read and understand the following axioms:

  1. the filter for wrapping the PF is not a myth. And this filter is the most cruel Yandex filter - it's understandable - Yandex is very unhappy with the fact that behavioral ones are cheating, because their influence on the issuance is huge
  2. the probability of filtering can easily be reduced to 5-10% and for this you do not need to have expert knowledge in the field of Seo. It's enough just not to "sleep"
  3. in our case (when the site’s natural PF is very high), the risk of falling under Yandex sanctions becomes even less

For PF cheats, I personally use the Userator exchange. It is up to you to decide whether to cheat behavioral or not, but you should definitely take into account the fact that when promoting a landing page, some words will be beyond our power without using cheats.

What else can be used

Often, groups in social networks are created for landing. And we can use these groups for SEO purposes. VK and FB groups are best suited. There is only 1 requirement for groups - their community must be real, capable of generating real human traffic.

Groups should also have a name similar to the promoted search queries.

Next, we just need to make the traffic from the group flow to our landing page and not bounce. Ideally, traffic should come to the site daily. To do this, you will need to regularly post interesting messages and news on the group wall, as well as promotions that will encourage group users to go to your site.

In addition to traffic from groups, social factors such as user posts on their pages with a link to the site, tweets, likes and other types of mentions are also important. To manipulate them, at a minimum, you need to place the main social media buttons on your landing page.


In conclusion, I would like to say that it is quite possible to promote a landing page, the main thing is to set feasible tasks and fully use your advantages. Doable tasks should include the requests themselves, which we will promote. It’s not worth taking on VK - the budget will simply be drained, but most of the correctly selected NCs and even some SCs can quite successfully be brought to the TOP and receive traffic. And note that the value of traffic for us will be many times higher, because the conversion of a landing page is on average 2-3 times higher than that of a quality site. That is, to achieve the same result (sales level), we need 2-3 times less traffic. And it is 10 times easier to monitor a landing page and adjust it to constantly changing search algorithms than a website. From myself I want to say 1 simple thing - for the promotion to be successful, the page itself must fully respond to user requests, be of high quality and modern.

But it’s not worth delving too much here, otherwise after reading this material you may have an opinion that moving a landing page is much more profitable than a website! No - not more profitable and not easier, but much more difficult! Many sites made "from the bulldozer" at the very least, but can be promoted. But a well-made and optimized site will grow even on its own, without any purchase of links and optimization of texts. And in a few years, completely independently, it will reach a decent level of traffic. With a landing page, you will never be able to do this - in order for it to start receiving traffic from organic search, it must not only be good-looking, but it will have to carry out an extensive set of optimization works. Plus - search engines are initially extremely suspicious of this type of site, so any careless action and you can easily get a filter that would not happen with a regular site!

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Also, you can order from me.

Good day, dear readers. In today's article, we will talk about one of the most effective, but at the same time labor-intensive, way to promote on the Internet. Let's talk about SEO promotion. In particular, I will describe the SEO promotion of landing pages or one-page sites.

Many argue that it is impossible to promote landing pages through SEO. I just want to say to such people that they continue to think this way, because then there will be no competition;)

One of the main reasons why people give up on SEO is that it is very labor intensive and the result is visible only after a long period of time, usually after 3-7 months. Therefore, those who are not set up for the long term or want immediate benefits use paid traffic sources, refusing SEO. But you need to understand that if your site is included in the TOP 3 search results, then you will have customers on full autopilot and, most likely, in large numbers.

So, is it really possible to promote landing pages in search results? Yes, it is possible and even necessary. In the future, this will be a free traffic flow for you.

What is the difference between conventional SEO and landing page SEO?

Basically, no difference. Landing pages are promoted on the same principle as all other sites. Search engines have the same ranking principles. The only difference is between desktop devices (computers) and mobile ones - for them, the ranking principles differ in some points. Otherwise, for the same Yandex and Google, there is no difference whether it is a landing page or a business card site. If the optimization is performed according to the rules, then the landing page will also be in the first place.

By the way, there is also an article about independent and about. Read them!

How to promote landing pages in search results?

There are several main points that affect SEO and search engine promotion. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

  • Your landing page should be mobile friendly. It is important!
  • The landing page should have a nice design, easy navigation, and its content (content) should be unique and structured. Try to break the information into blocks so that it is convenient to perceive it. First of all, you are making a landing page for people, not for search engines!
    To do this, read the articles:
  • Title, description, keywords - choose your keywords carefully. It is better to use medium and low frequency phrases here. And it doesn't matter that there are 200 or 300 requests per month. This is your targeted, organic traffic. The title should match the keyword as closely as possible. For example, if the phrase is "setting contextual advertising", then the title should also say "setting contextual advertising". Also, the description of the page itself should contain key phrases. About optimizing titles and descriptions is in.
  • External Links and Mentions - Link to your site wherever you can. You can, of course, buy tons of links, but I do not advise you to do this. It is better to buy less, but on quality resources. For example, a review by some popular blogger, or post an expert article on a city website or forum. Don't chase quantity. You need quality. Yes, it's much longer, but your sites will always have high-quality traffic that search engines love so much.
  • contextual advertising- this item could be attributed to the previous one, but I decided to separate it into a separate one. This is due to the fact that if you advertise in and in, then Yandex and Google begin to additionally raise your site in organic search. Of course, using only one contextual advertising, you will not enter the TOP-3, but this is an additional factor in landing promotion. If you do not know how to set up contextual advertising yourself, .
  • Linking with your sites or landing pages is also an important point in SEO and promotion. And not only landing pages, but sites in general. Linking affects SEO and promotion the most. What is a relink? These are internal links to pages on the site. For example, you have a stretch ceiling installation service, which is located on a separate page. In order for readers to go to this page, we place a link to the landing page for this service on the thematic pages of our sites (business cards, informational, etc.). And the more such links, the better for optimization. In this case, as you understand, it is assumed that your landing page will be located on the main domain of your site as a separate page

How to use linking on landing pages?

There are several options here. It all depends on the structure of your site.

Thanks to such actions, you can promote landing pages in search results and perform SEO optimization. The process is not simple, but effective. And if someone tells you that this is impossible, then just show him this article.

If you have any questions about this topic, write them in the comments.

The effectiveness of a landing page depends not only on competent layout and beautiful design, but also on the methods of its promotion. That is why already at the initial stage of creating a landing page, you need to think about how you will promote it. In this article, we will look at several ways that you can attract high-quality target audience to your page.

1. Traffic from search engines

The opinion that a landing page cannot be promoted using SEO optimization has long been refuted, and now many landing pages occupy fairly high positions in search engines, giving their owners high-quality traffic.

Landing promotion using SEO allows you to attract visitors to your site who are already interested in your product or service, absolutely free. Therefore, when creating this marketing tool, it makes sense to optimize its structure for search queries.

What is needed for this?

  1. Compose a semantic core - that is, select user requests for which your page will be displayed in search engines.
  2. Design text blocks with proper occurrence of keywords
  3. Correctly fill in meta tags (Title, Description, Keywords)

This method will bring you customers not immediately, but after a certain time, so pay attention to other landing advertising methods that give faster results.

2. Contextual advertising

This method also allows you to attract "hot" traffic to your landing page - that is, people who themselves are looking for your product or service. In this case, you need to have an advertising budget, but the good news is that with the right advertising campaign set up, the money spent will quickly pay off.

There are two main services with which you can set up contextual advertising - Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. Each of them has its own characteristics and nuances, in which it will be quite difficult for a beginner to understand. Therefore, if you have never set up contextual advertising, then it is better to entrust this work to a specialist, otherwise there is a chance that the entire advertising budget will go down the drain and not get results.

3. Advertising on social networks

Next Method landing page promotion, which also shows high efficiency, is advertising on social networks Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. Advertising in social networks can be divided into two main groups - targeted advertising and advertising in thematic communities.

Targeted advertising allows you to show information about your products and services to a specific circle of people. You can set up a social media advertising campaign according to certain parameters of the target audience, such as gender, age, interests, etc. Thus, your landing page ads will only appear on the pages of people who are potentially interested in your product.

Advertising in communities allows you to convey information about your product or service to thousands of people at the same time. The effectiveness of this method depends on various factors, such as the size of the community, its activity, the relevance of the advertising post to the topic of the community, and so on. To place an advertising post, you can use the Vkontakte community exchange or the Sociate service. You can also choose groups on your subject yourself and agree with administrators on posting.

Both targeted advertising and advertising in communities can bring significant results, but only with the right approach. As in the case of contextual advertising, if you are doing this for the first time, then it is better to contact specialists or study courses on this topic first.

4. Landing page advertising with a banner

Banners are one of the oldest promotion methods, which are a graphic image of an advertising nature. Modern banners often have an animation effect that allows you to more effectively attract the user's attention and push him to go to the site. The task of the banner is not only to sell a product or service, but also to promote the company's brand.

As a rule, the effectiveness of this method depends on various factors - traffic to the resource, compliance of the banner with the theme of the advertising platform, and so on.

5. Teaser ad

Teaser ads are blocks with enticing phrases and pictures that are aimed at attracting the attention of visitors. These blocks are called teasers (from the English word teaser - “teaser”, “lure”) and are posted on various sites. Surely, you have seen similar ads on the network more than once, which looks something like this:

Teaser advertising can generate a large amount of traffic for little money, but it does not work in all cases. As a rule, teasers are most suitable for promoting physical products, especially the so-called "wow" products, weight loss products, anti-smoking products, etc.

6. Email traffic

E-mail marketing is a way to promote landing pages by communicating with the target audience using a mailing list. If you have your own reader base and regularly share useful information with them, then this type of advertising can bring significant results. If you don’t have your own database, you can use advertising in the mailing lists of other authors, however, before placing such an advertisement, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the statistics of a particular mailing list, which displays the number of subscribers, the percentage of letters opened and other indicators. This type of traffic is most often used to advertise paid and free information products.

Regardless of which of the listed advertising methods you will use, before conducting an advertising campaign, you must definitely study it in detail or contact specialists. This will help you not only save your budget, but also use your personal time more efficiently.

Of course, as elsewhere, there are a few but. To begin with, it is worth saying that a lot will depend on the competition of your subject. If you choose a competitive product for sales using a landing page, for which there are already many sites and stores on the Internet, then even large budgets will most likely not help you in order to break into the top 10.

Another point is the sites of competitors in the subject you are interested in. Just indicate in the search engines the search queries you are interested in (on which you are going to advance), and see which sites and online stores are in the top 10. If there are large portals and directories, then, most likely, promotion for your landing page will not be crowned with much success.

These are all the features, and if you go into the Landing Page promotion strategy, then everything can be clearly described point by point. The basis of a successful landing page is its content, i.e. content (we recommend ordering texts in a specialized exchange from professionals - This content should contain certain information for the user, such as: a description of the product, its photo, possibly a video review, reviews, etc.

For an approximate calculation of the cost of purchasing links, you can use the service:

But in order to upgrade your one-page store, you will need a link mass - for this you will have to receive / buy links from other resources. The number of these links will be determined by the competition of the product you have chosen, as well as the region, the number of competitors in the market, etc.
The ideal way to tell about yourself, as well as get a certain number of links from other sites, is to post reviews on them with your product. There are special services and tools for this. A more interesting option is to find sites similar to your topic, and contact their administrators directly with a request to place a review on their resource. Of course, this is done for money, but this is logical. In the review, you insert a couple of links to your resource. If the sites are popular, then you can also get a certain flow of visitors from them, who can become your customers.

We consider this method of promotion the most optimal and natural. You get the so-called eternal links, for which you pay once, while you can additionally provide your store with targeted traffic.

It is a site, most often consisting of one page, positioned as a highly converting or selling well. A landing page can consist of several pages, but in the classical sense it is a one-page resource. This is precisely the feature of landing promotion. A one-page site is designed to influence basic human instincts, push the user to perform motivated actions: dial a number, click, place an order, buy a product at the moment.

Landing pages are an integral part of advertising campaigns for a specific product or offer with a "hot" price, and are also used to attract the target audience from Google Adwords, Yandex.Direct contextual advertising sources, social networks and mailing lists.

What it is?

Landing Page is an independent page that contributes to:

  • distribution of a particular service or product;
  • formation of a subscription base.

When forming a landing page, various impact triggers should be used that will “warm up” the user to make a quick decision (making a purchase, entering information to receive a bonus, studying a course, watching a webinar, etc.).

From the user's point of view, Landing Page is the page that he gets to after clicking on an image, informer, advertisement, and so on. A landing page is completely different from an online store, since for the implementation of a specific product or promotion, its own page is designed using various impact triggers.

Varieties of landing page

  • Independent. This is the most common type of one-page site. Its key task is to encourage the user to purchase a product / service or take any other step recommended by the resource.
  • Microsite. This is a site (most often separate from the main one) with a maximum of 5 pages, including information about a product or service.
  • main portal. One or more resource pages are used as a landing page.
  • Lando site. It is a portal, entirely consisting of independent landing pages.

Landing Page Creation Methods

Landing can be done in several ways:

  • Free generators and templates. To date, the Internet presents a huge number of different designers and templates, with which you can easily create any landing page. The most famous landing page creation and promotion service is LPgenerator. This method is ideal for organizations that are on a budget but have experts on staff who understand design and marketing.

  • Help from professionals. The task of creating and SEO promotion of a landing page can be delegated. For example, order content from a copywriter, design from a designer, and integration with the engine from a software developer. At the same time, the company must have a marketer capable of monitoring the project at all its stages. The advantages of this method include, first of all, low cost and excellent results, since each stage will be performed by a professional. The disadvantages include the fact that there is a high risk of incorrect selection of experts.
  • specialized agencies. This method of creating a landing page involves contacting an organization that will take on all the tasks: studying competitors, selecting a concept, compiling an advertising campaign, settling all integration tasks and implementing the project. The customer will only need to fill out a development brief, and the organization will create and promote a turnkey landing page. The advantages of cooperation with the agency include efficiency and time savings, of the minuses - a relatively high cost.
  • Full-time employees who will be responsible for the design and promotion of the landing page. This is a very costly, but at the same time effective way. Our own team, consisting of a copywriter, designer, software developer and marketer, will be able to fully implement and promote the project.

Is it possible to design a Landing Page on your own?

It is quite possible to create a landing page on your own, for this you need to have some knowledge in the field of web development, analytics and design. However, if there are no such skills, then you can resort to the help of special services (they were mentioned above), which offer ready-made templates, where all that remains is to enter the text and set up hosting and domain.

By creating a landing page on your own, you can save time and money. On the Internet, you can find sources with templates on various topics, with a set of quick installation guides and software that allows you to make corrections.

Is it possible to make a landing for free

As interest in the landing page grows day by day, the creators also do not stand still, offering users fresh ideas and tools based on templates. List of free resources:

  • You can create a landing page on the website after a simple registration process.
  • Using Adobe Photoshop software.
  • Use the KompoZer constructor.

The latter option is best for those who have only minimal skills in this area and do not want to waste time learning complex programming systems. In addition, you can take advantage of the free trial period of the popular and wPPage constructors.

Landing page optimization

Landing page development is only a part of success, it is important to optimize it correctly. One-page resources have one, but quite a significant drawback - they are very difficult to detect by search engines. Full-fledged sites have unique headings, a coherent structure with information about the volume of pages, competent linking, and more.

The structure of a one-pager does not allow performing high-quality internal optimization in the usual sense, that is, “sharpening” an Internet resource for search engine queries. The layout from Google using JavaScript and the PushState method allowed to solve this problem.

What is needed for this?

To optimize your landing page, do the following:

  • Divide the landing into several blocks.
  • Each of them should have its own original indicator, text, name, title and URL.

In other words, blocks should have the same properties that any individual page of a full-fledged portal has. In this case, the robot will regard the landing page as somewhat unique. Visitors are unlikely to catch this moment, only the most vigilant will notice that in the process of scrolling, the URL and title change in the line. But here it should be understood that in order to carry out these actions, certain knowledge in the field of SEO and layout with JavaScript will be required.

How to make the created page popular? Landing page promotion in search engines or SEO on your own is quite a doable task, despite the fact that it often happens that search engines do not treat one-page sites badly. In fact, it's not quite like that. If the page meets certain conditions and contains the maximum amount of information about the product / service being sold, then you can achieve excellent results in landing page SEO promotion.

Of course, as in any field, there are several "buts". First of all, much will be determined by the competitiveness of the chosen subject. If a promoted product was selected for trading with the help of a landing page, for which there are already a large number of online stores and websites, then even huge budgets will not be able to help promote the landing page.

What do we have to do?

But these are all features, and if we move on to the landing page promotion strategy, then here everything can be described point by point. So, let's look at the step-by-step instructions for promoting a landing page on your own:

  • The basis of a successful Landing Page is content. That is, the description of the product must contain certain information for the user: details, photos, video review, reviews, and so on.
  • Landing page promotion with link mass. For pumping a one-page site, you will need a link mass, which can be purchased on other resources. The number of links will depend on the competitiveness of the product being sold, as well as on the region, the number of competitors in the market, and other things. A great way to make yourself known, as well as get a link mass from other resources, is to place a review of your product on them. There are special tools and services for this. Another option (more time consuming, but at the same time interesting) is to independently search for websites of similar subjects and contact the administrators directly with a wish to place your information on them. Of course, this is done for a fee. In the review, you need to insert several links to the site. If the selected resources are popular, then you can easily get a flow of visitors from them, who can later become customers. This method of promotion is the most successful and natural. You acquire the so-called eternal links, for which you pay once, while providing the Landing Page with targeted traffic.