How to write a complaint to a telecom operator: a detailed step-by-step guide. Sample claim to a mobile operator How to contact from another network

We are not always satisfied with the quality of services provided by MTS and there are good reasons for this. No one is obliged to endure rudeness, deception and any other lawlessness on the part of the operators cellular... If money is unreasonably withdrawn from your balance, useless subscriptions are connected without your knowledge, or you do not receive the paid service in full, you need to achieve justice by writing a claim. The problem is that many have no idea how to write a complaint to MTS and limit themselves to calling the support center. Unfortunately, often contacting the operator does not allow achieving the desired result. A written statement will be much more effective.

As part of this review, we will tell you how to write a complaint to MTS correctly so that it is considered and the operator can promptly take appropriate measures. This guide will be useful regardless of what exactly was the reason for writing the claim. If you are confident that you are right, then seek justice, and this article will help you with this.

How to write a complaint to MTS

Each operator has a 24/7 call center and MTS is no exception. If you have any questions, the subscriber can call toll free number and speak with a support center specialist. Unfortunately, it is often very difficult. Due to the heavy load on the call center, the operator has to wait a long time for the answer.

However, even if you can get through to the operator, there is no guarantee that they will help you. This is especially true when it comes to incomprehensible write-offs of money from the balance and services connected without the knowledge of the client. If you are serious, it is better to write a statement right away. We will tell you how to write a claim to MTS.

You can file a complaint with MTS:

  • By calling the call-center of the MTS company by phone 8 800 250 0890 (not the most effective method);
  • By submitting a written claim made in free form to the nearest MTS salon. A similar claim can be sent to email [email protected] or [email protected];
  • By filling out a special claim form (the most effective way). The link to the form is below.

Most often, a claim is written in connection with regular debiting of funds from the account. It is unlikely that MTS will brazenly steal money. The operator has safer ways to make money on subscribers. As a rule, the reason lies in the availability of paid subscriptions and services that the subscriber does not know about. we have told and we will not return to this question. If you want to return money for services connected without your knowledge, you must write an application.

Sample claim in MTS

The most effective way to convey your dissatisfaction to the operator is to fill out a special form. Free-form statements are less effective.

The claim form can be sent to the operator in one of the following ways:

  • Personally take it to the MTS office;
  • Through the MTS website;
  • By e-mail [email protected]

Follow the link provided and download the file in Word format. A similar document can be downloaded from the official MTS website. After downloading, the file must be opened and filled in accordingly. In the form, you must indicate the number mobile phone, on which there are questions, full name Subscriber, passport data, personal account number, number of the contract for the provision of communication services, the method of obtaining information about the decision. The following is the content of the claim. Here you need to describe in detail the essence of the problem. The content of the claim is written in a free form. If you do not know the contract number, call the Help Center.

The completed claim form must be sent to the operator. As noted earlier, it is best to send your application by email. Now it remains to wait for MTS to make a decision on your question. If we are talking about a refund, then the case may be delayed.

It's no secret that for every operator mobile communications profit comes first, not customer care. The more solid the customer base, the more dissatisfied customers. The MTS company has a huge number of subscribers, therefore, claims against this operator arise very often. Most often, the reason for dissatisfaction is not at all the capriciousness of the subscribers. It is true that operators often violate the rights of customers. If money was illegally withdrawn from your account, paid services were connected without your knowledge, they were rude or somehow violated your rights, you need to achieve justice. Knowing how to write a claim in MTS correctly, you will be able to force the operator to follow the terms of the agreement.
You can write a claim to MTS in the following ways:

  • By writing a free-form claim and taking it to the MTS communication salon;
  • Download and fill out a special form for a complaint against the operator (the link to the file is given below). The completed form must be printed out and taken to any MTS office;
  • If you have no desire to go to the office, you can send a complaint through the MTS website by clicking on this link

If the cause of the complaint is not serious, then it can be resolved. True, this method is the most ineffective. If, for example, you want to obtain a refund of money illegally withdrawn from your account, it is better to fill out a special complaint form. How to write a claim to MTS in accordance with all the rules and what problems may arise at the stage of the proceedings, we will describe in this article.

The most effective way to file a complaint against MTS

As you already understood, there are several ways to write a claim, but the most effective of them is the one that involves filling out a special form. You can leave a complaint through the operator's website, but it is better to download a sample complaint, fill it out, print it and personally take it to the nearest MTS office. This way you can be sure that your complaint will be considered. As for the final decision, the result will depend on numerous factors. The operator values ​​his reputation, so he will try to do everything possible to prove his case. Although, if there was an obvious write-off of money from the balance by fraudulent means, for example, paid services were connected without the knowledge of the subscriber, then you can count on a refund. You can find out the reason for writing off money by getting details on MTS.

Before writing a complaint to MTS, you should make sure that the operator's fault is really obvious. If you are convinced that MTS does not provide you with paid services in full, connects services without your knowledge, or in some other way violates the terms of the agreement, then be sure to write a complaint. If you have doubts, then check everything again. You can easily find out what services are connected to MTS, find out the terms of the tariff and see the details of the invoice. All this will help to understand the situation and find out whether it really makes sense to write a complaint.

To write a claim to MTS, follow these steps:

  1. Download the claim form by clicking on this link;
  2. Open the file and fill in all the fields (phone number, passport details of the owner of the number, client agreement number and a sample complaint);
  3. Print out the claim form and take it to any MTS communication salon;
  4. The claim form can also be sent to the email address [email protected]

In principle, filling out the form should not raise questions, except for one moment. There is a field in the claim form in which you must indicate the number of the client agreement. The problem is that for many subscribers it is problematic to find a contract that was concluded when buying a SIM card. If the contract is lost, you can find out its number by contacting the MTS office or by calling the help center. In both cases, you will have to provide the passport details of the owner of the number.

How to write a claim to MTS via the Internet

The most effective way to file a complaint with MTS is to fill out and take a special complaint form to the operator's office. If you have serious complaints about the operator, we recommend that you act in this way. If the complaint is not so serious, or for some reason you do not want or cannot visit the MTS communication salon, then you can use other methods.

You can submit a complaint to MTS via the Internet:

By filling out the form on the MTS website by clicking on this link;

By downloading and sending the claim form to the email address [email protected];

By sending a free-form complaint on the MTS website by clicking on the link

These methods are less effective than contacting the MTS office in person, but they can also help in resolving the problem. In conclusion, it should be said that it is sometimes very difficult to achieve justice when it comes to deception by the operator, but it is still possible. Each subscriber must defend his rights, otherwise we will be deceived again and again.

Each consumer regularly purchases goods of different categories and uses the services. Unfortunately, not all vendors and service providers fulfill their obligations in good faith.

Cellular operators are also service providers. But the quality of the connection sometimes leaves much to be desired.

Russian consumers are accustomed to such a situation, so they often do not even know that this problem can be solved quite simply.

In case of violation of consumer rights in the provision of services, it is worth filing a written claim. However, before drawing up a document, you must familiarize yourself with the general provisions enshrined in the legislation.

Cellular operators do not offer a single claim pattern to consumers. This clause is also not specified in the service agreement.

However, you can make a claim by contacting a lawyer who deals with issues arising in the field of consumer protection. If desired, each person can figure out this issue on their own, you just have to delve into this issue.

When composing a document, be guided by the following rules:

  • At the beginning of the claim, indicate the name of the provider of cellular services;
  • Specify full name the head of the offending organization. This information must be provided in the communication salon. However, if this data could not be obtained, it is enough to indicate that the complaint is being made to the name of the manager;
  • Write the details of the subscriber who is filing the claim. If the subscriber is an individual, then indicate the full name, if a legal entity - the name of the organization;
  • Write the phone number referred to in the document;
  • Give the document a title. To do this, after filling out the heading of the application, write in the middle of the sheet "Claim in connection with violation by the operator ...". Next, indicate the specific reason for contacting. The consumer may be dissatisfied with the conditions, quality or cost of communication services, incorrect communication between employees;
  • Indicate the date of the claim and the name of the settlement in which you live;
  • State the essence of the claim in detail. What exactly happens when you use a particular service? Under what circumstances did poor quality appear? And other circumstances that relate to the complaint made. The narrative should be written in simple, understandable language. The use of legal terms is encouraged but not required;
  • List the documents that accompany the claim.

The drawn up document must be provided to the employees working in the communication salon. The claim must be accepted from the consumer without fail, but in rare cases, employees may ask to rewrite the document, providing a sample of the organization.

What documents must be attached to such a claim?

It is imperative to attach documents confirming the fact of providing a low-quality service to the drawn up claim.

These documents include:

  • Subscriber agreement for the provision of communication services. This document proves that the consumer and the mobile operator are bound by certain rights and obligations. When concluding a contract, 2 copies are created. One is given to the subscriber, and the second remains with the organization. Therefore, in case of loss of the document, you can contact the communication salon with a passport and ask for a copy. It can be issued immediately or only after a few days. However, the consumer retains the right to write a complaint in a special book, in case of late submission of the contract;
  • A document confirming the payment;
  • Other documents related to the problem described in the claim. This can be a detailing of expenses, billing, receipts for payment of communication services, etc.

The rules for drawing up and filing a claim are enshrined in the Federal Law "On Cellular Communications". Unfortunately, the employees of the communication salon are not always familiar with the provisions of this regulatory legal act. Therefore, before contacting a communication salon, it is a good idea to study the important points that protect the rights of the subscriber.

Give employees only copies of additional documents. The originals may be needed in court.

How to file a claim to the person in question regarding the poor-quality provision of communication services?

The easiest way is to personally contact a cellular salon. In this case, you can be sure that the complaint will reach the addressee, however, often going to the communication salon is associated with unpleasant nervous tension.

Employees cannot have grounds for refusing to accept a claim. Therefore, when protecting your own rights, you should be more persistent.

After accepting a complaint, employees of the organization must provide the subscriber with feedback channels through which you can receive information on the status and results of the complaint. In addition, employees are required to indicate the timing of the complaint.

After that, the subscriber must wait for the results of the complaint. You need to spend not only your own nerves on a personal visit to a communication salon, but also a lot of time.

However, there is also a second way - to send a claim by e-mail. Thus, direct communication with employees can be avoided, but, as a rule, the period for considering a claim is delayed. The long term of consideration is not associated with the long delivery of the letter, but with the procedure for parsing letters and other circumstances that will depend not on the consumer, but on the mobile operator.

Recently, the management of Beeline has been actively promoting a new concept in providing assistance to subscribers. Its main goal is to reduce the load on call centers by reducing incoming calls and to teach subscribers to independently find answers to simple questions. As a result, the Beeline help desk stopped focusing on "live" consultants, giving the initiative to the autoinformer, chat, Personal account(LC) and email. Therefore, it is often not quite easy to call or otherwise contact a Beeline technical support specialist.

However, users never cease to have questions that machine intelligence cannot cope with. So how to get through to the Beeline operator in order to guaranteed to solve your problem? To answer the question, consider all existing ways communication with technical support and we will analyze the nuances that should be taken into account in this case.

Free short number

0611 is a free Beeline hotline, saved by default on the SIM card for each subscriber. A few years ago, this short phone number was a real helper. The subscriber could call him and, after listening to a short menu, contact the call center within a few minutes.

Now, after connecting the extended autoinformer, you can go through various numbers for 10 minutes in search of a connection point with an operator. Sometimes the probability of calling in this way to the "live" support service of Beeline tends to zero.

Based on repeated feedback from subscribers, it is considered more effective to consider this method: dial 0611 and after the answer of the autoinformer press the number "0". After that, beeps characteristic of the call should be heard from the speaker. However, this method of contacting the help desk is outdated and not functional in most regions. After completing this procedure, the autoinformer will report an error, the call will be completed.

The only way to get to the "live" specialist is to listen to the entire menu list and repeat it. After that, the autoinformer will offer to select the "0" menu item to contact qualified support.

In some cases, this option does not work, the "0" menu item is disabled by the cellular operator when there is a heavy load on the call-centers.

Federal phone numbers

It is very likely that you can call and get through to Beeline technical support if you have a number in the federal format in the phone book.

For round-the-clock service of more than 50 million subscribers, the mobile operator uses several specialized numbers, by calling which you can get technical support in the following areas:

  • 8-800-700-0611 - by calling this Beeline number, you can get help in solving general issues and problems related to the operation of the Internet on a phone or smartphone (full analogue of 0611);
  • 8-800-700-0080 - lack of Internet connection and problems in the operation of the USB modem;
  • 8-800-700-2111 - malfunctions Wi-fi networks Beeline;
  • 8-800-700-8000 - interruptions in the work of home Internet and television from Beeline;
  • 8-800-700-9966 - malfunctions in the home phone;
  • 8-800-725-5725 - help on the online store.

Any resident of Russia can call a federal number for free and get advice, both from a city phone and from a mobile phone of any operator.

Initially, all the indicated numbers have a voice auto-informing function connected, so that the user will try to find the answer on his own. If you still need to talk to an employee from the help desk, then you should look for the appropriate item in the menu. Often, it may be completely absent for the reason described above.

Communication with technical support in roaming

Within the country, the Beeline support service provides assistance by calling the numbers indicated in the previous sections. Therefore, any Russian can call them, regardless of whether he is in his home region or in national roaming.

How to call the Beeline operator directly from outside the Russian Federation? Especially for those who find themselves in international roaming, there is a single telephone number: + 7-495-797-2727. You can call it for free only from a Beeline SIM card. But questions can be asked in all directions: from the terms of tariffication of calls abroad to the cost mobile internet.

Call from other mobile operators

Users who have a SIM card from another operator can count on success more than others. Call-center workers answer calls from MTS, Megafon or Tele2 much faster. Apparently this approach of the company is explained by the desire to get new customers. So why not take advantage of this nuance?

To call the Beeline operator free of charge from an MTS, Megafon or Tele2 SIM card, just dial one of the federal numbers 8-800-700-0611 or 8-800-700-0080.

Why is it often impossible to get through to the specialist of the Beeline operator?

The competition between the four leading cellular companies in Russia does not stop for a minute, and each of the participants strives to retain their customers by regularly offering promotions and discounts. But in order to develop, you also need profit. Therefore, companies go to all sorts of tricks, dealing with their customers not entirely honest. In particular, they often connect paid services at their discretion and offer to switch or transfer to a new tariff package, without revealing all its subtleties.

Subscribers dissatisfied with this attitude start calling technical support, but service number The Beeline operator is in most cases unavailable, and there is no contact point with "live" technical support by hot numbers with an autoinformer. Perhaps the Beeline hotline simply cannot cope with the load and temporarily blocks access to the help desk numbers. Or it may simply ignore incoming calls, forcing users to look for alternative solutions to problems.

7 alternative ways to contact support

Fortunately, the Beeline operator's phone is far from the only way to get help. The Personal Account has great potential, in which the user has the opportunity to:

  • manage the tariff;
  • enable or disable services;
  • get help and technical support;
  • order invoice detailing and much more.

Practice shows that subscribers who actively use their personal computer are much less likely to call technical support. But if you need expert advice, then just go to the "Help and feedback" tab and ask a question by clicking on the inscription "Create an appeal".

The main assistant for owners of smartphones and tablets - mobile app"My Beeline", which is in no way inferior in functionality to the Personal Account. Moreover, the application is implemented, allowing you to quickly receive answers to all questions.

Social media is an equally powerful feedback tool. Support groups exist in all popular messengers: Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Twitter and Facebook. Moreover useful advice can be obtained not only from the administrator, but also from the group members online. The transition to the messenger is available directly from the "Help and Support" section of the company's official website.

Everyone has the right to express their questions, complaints and suggestions in a letter by sending it to the address [email protected] The advantage of email correspondence is that it allows you to describe the problem in detail and, if necessary, attach a file to the letter. In order for the answer to come as quickly as possible and at the same time be exhaustive, Beeline recommends sending letters depending on the subject:

An electronic assistant is another way to get help information. To call it, you need to click on the icon located to the left of the link to the LC on the main page of the site. In the window that appears, you must enter your question and click on the "Ask" button. The robot responds instantly by analyzing keywords. If the answer of the electronic assistant turned out to be incomplete or erroneous, it is recommended to formulate the proposal more correctly.

You don't need email or internet to send short questions. All you need to do is create an SMS message and send it to 0622. The SMS support service will send you a response in the next few minutes. Such a method of counseling is sometimes more justified than a long wait for an answer to a call to the information desk.

Finally, I would like to name the most reliable way to solve problems - a personal visit to the Beeline service center. You may have to travel several kilometers and wait in line to do this. But this option guarantees a positive result.

Summing up

In this review, we tried to give all the current methods of contacting Beeline technical support. If you have anything to add about how to contact the Beeline operator directly or through third-party services, share your experience in the comments.

There is no doubt that today everyone uses cellular services. And if not everyone, then most people are probably over 5 years old. Everyone chooses a telecom operator based on personal preferences and requirements. Of course, each cellular company tries to satisfy the needs of all its customers as much as possible, offering a variety of tariff plans for every taste, additional options for their diversity, and services for remote control of their own number.

Do you like your operator?

Yes, all is well!No, thinking about a change

Despite all this, some clients often remain dissatisfied with the services provided, having well-founded claims. What may be the claims to the operators, as well as how to correctly draw up a formal claim to the telecom operator, so that the company considers it, how to send or transfer it to the recipient, so that the operator is guaranteed to understand the situation and I will tell you.

Potential claims against the operator

Subscribers may encounter a lot of all kinds of problems in the process of using cellular services. However, most of them are often related to the issues of connecting / disconnecting certain tariffs and services. You can solve them yourself using the official websites of cellular companies, our website, contacting the call center. But there are other difficulties that are not so easy to solve. To solve them, you have to draw up official complaints. And an approximate list of such difficulties and problems is as follows:

  • Poor call quality. This is one of the main problems for which subscribers can make complaints. It can apply to both the quality of mobile communications and the speed and stability of the mobile Internet. Of course, sometimes, in some areas, premises, in the metro, the quality of communication may be unstable, but if such a nuisance begins to gain taxonomy, it is necessary to file a claim with the operator;
  • Systematic debiting of money from the account. Often, subscribers notice that non-payment funds are systematically debited from their account. tariff plan and additional options, and some other suspicious services. To find out a similar situation should also be in the order of filing an official claim;
  • Spam and SMS advertising. Not so long ago, SMS was the only way of text communication between users of mobile devices. Today messengers have completely eclipsed them, and our phones only occasionally receive messages from live interlocutors. This is often spam and advertising. And if there is too much of such spam, only a complaint against the operator will help you get out of this situation;
  • Paid subscriptions. Modern operators, all as one, have such a "sin" as the activation of paid content services for mobile numbers without the knowledge of the subscribers. Such services are fraught not only with an increase in spending on cellular services, but also with the subscriber receiving various content, which often looks more like spam, weeks like newsletter or entertainment mailing. Often, you can refuse such subscriptions and additional write-offs when filling out the corresponding application;
  • Unsatisfactory service, impolite consultants in the offices and call centers of the operator. As is the case with conventional stores or state. institutions, in a dialogue with representatives of a cellular operator, you can encounter non-professional employees. In such situations, it is also possible to defend one's own rights only with an official appeal;
  • Changing the tariff plan without the knowledge of the subscriber. Some customers may face automatic transfer of their number to another tariff without their desire. Unfortunately, usually a similar situation occurs in the event of the expiration of the TP, but you can always try to defend your position within the framework of an official appeal.

Contacting the operator's contact center

To begin with, it is worth noting that you can always issue an official claim, but much faster will try to deal with the issue peacefully through the support service. Fortunately, any operator today has a contact center number, where you can contact if you have any questions.

Call center numbers of the main "giants" of the cellular communications sector in Russia:

  • 0611 - Beeline support (all communication methods);
  • 0890 - MTS support (all communication methods);
  • 0500 - MegaFon support (all communication methods);
  • 611 - Tele2 support (all communication methods);
  • 8-800-1000-800 - support by Rostelecom;
  • 8-800-550-00-07 - Yota support (all communication methods).
Calls to the above numbers are free for subscribers of the respective operators.

Of course, each operator offers its customers additional ways to contact the support service, implying the use of the site, instant messengers, e-mail, etc. You can clarify information about them by following links to materials with all communication methods. But I recommend that you resolve issues and problems exclusively through live telephone communication with call-center specialists.

How to write a claim to a telecom operator

If it is not possible to reach an agreement with the company in a peaceful way, you need to act more actively, the solution here is one thing - filing an official claim. And do not be intimidated by such a task, since, by and large, such an application is drawn up in almost free form.

Understand that any claim must be drawn up according to a certain plan, which looks like the following:

  • The cap located in the upper right corner of the claim sheet. It indicates the name of the company to which the application is being written, the position and the name of the addressee. Below is information about the person filing the claim, that is, about you. In addition to your full name, you must specify contact information.
  • The heading “Claim”, centered immediately after the heading of the claim.
  • A subheading centered immediately below the Claim heading.
  • Claim text.
  • Requirements highlighted with the subtitle "PLEASE" with center alignment.
  • If there are attachments, then it is necessary to list all the documents that are attached to the claim;
  • Date of preparation of the claim, name and signature of the applicant (without the date and signature, the claim is invalid).

Correct observance of all these 6 points guarantees the correctness of filling out the application.

The text of the claim itself is drawn up in a fairly free form:

The main thing when drawing up a claim is to describe in as much detail the essence of the existing problem or claim to the quality of the services provided, as well as, if possible, confirm all this with facts, documents, receipts, screenshots and other available information.

Sample claims to telecom operators

  • Sample application to Beeline for the return of an erroneous payment;
  • Sample application to Beeline to disable SMS mailing;
  • Sample claim for an unjustified invoice for communication services
  • Sample claim for connecting paid services (suitable for all operators);
  • Sample application to Rostelecom for termination of the contract;

All submitted images of statements and claims you can download and use for your needs. Choose what suits your situation best, download and fill in according to the instructions.

The completed document must be handed over to the operator correctly, in accordance with the law. This is important so that no one later says that they have not received anything from you.

How to correctly convey (send) a claim to a telecom operator

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is possible to correctly hand over a claim to the operator (however, this works for any other case) in two ways:

  • Personally deliver the claim to an employee at the sales or service office;
  • Send a claim to the operator by registered mail with notification and a list of attachments;
Almost all operators offer to send them complaints by email. This, of course, greatly speeds up the transfer process, but be aware that, according to the law of the Russian Federation, sending a claim in ways other than handing over personally and sending by mail to Russia is not correct. The court will not consider sending a complaint by e-mail. Email a copy of your claim simply to "duplicate" personally submitted or mailed mail.

How to personally deliver a claim to an employee of a telecom operator's office

Print (or write by hand) 2 (two!) Identical copies of the claim. Sign both copies. Ask the office employee to accept one copy, and sign the receipt on the second. Something like this: Accepted by the manager Ivanov I. I., signature, date of admission, seal.

By law, any employee of a telecom operator's sales office is authorized to accept a claim from a subscriber. Any! If someone in the office tells you that he is not authorized to accept claims, do not believe it. This is a lie!

If the claim is on two or more sheets, then you need to ask to sign on each sheet. If there are attachments to the claim (receipts, documents, etc.), then you need to attach copies of these documents to the claim (leave the originals for yourself, as they will be useful later in court if the operator does not satisfy the claim) and also ask to sign the receiving applications.

I advise this method of submitting a claim to a telecom operator, since when communicating in the office, the operator's employees often resolve the issue “on the spot” at the sight of an official claim, but do not be fooled by “don’t leave a claim, we will promptly resolve everything until tomorrow, etc.”. After all, before you start "arguing" with the operator, you probably already tried to resolve the issue "for the good", through the support service.

What to do if an employee refuses to accept a claim

  • Find 2 witnesses (these may be other visitors to the office or just 2 of your friends, but not a relative whom you asked to go with you just for such a case): On your copy of the claim, write that the office employee Ivanov I.I. (badges with the last name now everyone has) refuses to accept the claim, and you leave a copy of it to the operator without a signature on acceptance, which is confirmed by 2 witnesses who also sign the authenticity of your words. In parallel, the entire "process" can and should be filmed (this is legal, you have the right). Leave a copy of the operator on the manager's desk / counter and leave.
  • Send a claim in the second way - by Russian post.

How to correctly send a claim to a telecom operator via Russian Post

When sending a claim by mail, as I wrote above, we must send the claim by registered mail with notification and a list of the attachments. Sending a simple letter will not allow you to track whether the addressee received the claim or not. Only registered letter with notification and inventory.

Plus, I advise you to send 2 letters to 2 addresses: one letter of claim to the legal address of the operator, the second to the physical address of the location of the organization. This will avoid the frequent problem that no one will receive it when a letter is delivered to a legal address.

Where to send a claim to MTS

  • We transfer in person at the offices of the company in your city;
  • We send letters to the legal and postal addresses of MTS;

Legal address of MTS: 109147, Moscow, st. Marxist, 4.
MTS mailing address: 109147 Moscow, st. Vorontsovskaya, 5, bldg. 2

Where to send a claim to MegaFon

  • You can submit a claim at any of MegaFon's offices;
  • You need to send the documents to the address of the Head Office and the nearest branch;

The head office of PJSC MegaFon is located at: 127006, Moscow, Oruzheyny lane, 41

  • In the section "Book of complaints and suggestions" on the website

Where to send a claim to Beeline

  • Submit the claim in person at the operator's office;
  • Send by mail to the legal address of the company + a copy to the address of any office;

Legal address of PJSC "VimpelCom" (Beeline): 127083, Moscow, st. 8th March, building 10, building 14

Where to send a claim on Tele2

If you use the services of Tele2, and you decided to state everything "sore" in writing, you can send such a letter as follows:

  • In the offices of the company in your city;
  • By sending a letter to the legal address of the company (as always, a copy to the address of any office);

Legal address of LLC "T2 Mobile" (Tele2): 108811, Moscow, settlement Moskovsky, Kievskoe highway 22nd kilometer, household 6, building 1

  • A copy of the claim can be sent through the operator's official website from this or this page.

Where to submit a claim for Yota

Subscribers of "Iota", although their number is not as numerous as that of the above-mentioned cellular corporations, can also often be dissatisfied with the services provided to them. In their case, you can send a statement describing unsatisfactory moments using the following details:

  • At Yota offices;
  • By letter to the legal address (+ to the office);

Legal address of LLC "Skartel" (Yota): 27006, Moscow, Oruzheyny lane, 41, office. 48

  • A copy can be sent through the feedback page of the official website and by email [email protected] ;

Where to send a complaint about Rostelecom

Finally, if you are faced with the task of sending an official application with a complaint against Rostelecom, you can leave the completed form not only at the company's offices, but also in the following ways:

  • Transfer through any Rostelecom office;
  • Send a letter to the legal address of the company;

PJSC Rostelecom postal address: 115172, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Goncharnaya, 30, building 1.

  • On the official pages of the operator in in social networks, in Viber-chat or through the feedback form on the website

Deadlines for providing a response to a claim

After sending a correctly executed application using the operator's details, subscribers need to wait for a response. Fortunately, the terms for providing a response are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and cannot exceed 30 days. During this time, the answer will have to be provided according to the details of the counterparty specified in the application.

Of course, this condition applies to sending a formal complaint through the offices of the company, since requests through other available methods of feedback with the operator can often be ignored.

If the operator is idle

In the event that suddenly, even after filling out an official complaint, the operator continues to be inactive or does not even bother to provide you with an official answer, your further actions may be as follows:

  • Contacting Rospotrebnadzor. Information about the offices to contact can be found on the official website. At the offices, a standard application form is filled out, which contains information about your claims, the available documents are attached, the operator's inaction is proved;
  • Contacting Roskomnadzor. The application can be completed at the company's offices, or it can be submitted online on the corresponding page of the official Roskomnadzor website (the "Submit an appeal" button);
  • Contacting the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The Federal Antimonopoly Service can also help in resolving existing problems and conflicts with the cellular operator. For this, it is necessary to send a complaint to the territorial authorities. detailed instructions with the details for sending the application is available on the official website of the Antimonopoly Service;
  • Going to court. Of course, to resolve disputes with mobile operators, you can apply to the judicial authorities, including the World Court. However, it is important to understand that individuals suing such large corporations as Russian telecom operators are in fact a losing business, so it is better to postpone the option of going to court until later and try to solve problems in other ways. If it is impossible to avoid judicial "red tape", to submit an application to the court, you must contact the nearest judicial authority in your city.

These were all possible options for a calm and not very calm settlement of disputes and claims against mobile operators in the Russian Federation. I hope you don’t have to use them, and if you do, they will help you settle your relationships with operators quickly and painlessly.